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Healthy Vineyard churches in every town and city.

Let's start a conversation!

Planting healthy churches
everywhere & in every way.
Let's start a conversation!
We're creating a space where New Yorkers can be formed in the image of Christ for the sake of others.
John & Kara Kim
The166 | Manhattan, NY
Mid-City Vineyard
Planting healthy churches
everywhere & in every way.
Let's start a conversation!
It’s been an amazing experience to create a place where people can come and encounter the presence and love of God.
Sandra Giet
Mid-City Vineyard | Los Angeles, CA
South Suburban Vineyard
Planting healthy churches
everywhere & in every way.
Let's start a conversation!
I moved to Flossmoor, Illinois to plant a multiethnic expression of a Vineyard Church.
Geno Olison
South Suburban Vineyard
Oil City Vineyard
Planting healthy churches
everywhere & in every way.
Let's start a conversation!
We moved back to Oil City because God loves people everywhere, including small towns & rural villages that are often forgotten.
Charlie Cotherman
Oil City Vineyard | Oil City, PA
La Viña Gurnee
Planting healthy churches
everywhere & in every way.
Let's start a conversation!
We never dreamed of planting a church, but felt reassurance from the Holy Spirit that He would be with us every step of the way.
Letty Mercado
La Viña Gurnee | Gurnee, IL


Every town and city in the United States would have healthy Vineyard churches.

The Vineyard is a global movement of  2400+ churches with 550+ of those in the United States. Multiply Vineyard exists to support Vineyard church planting throughout the U.S.


How to Plant a Healthy Church
